Buying Cars With Openlane

Openlane is an online auction market and platform for car dealerships to buy and sell vehicles wholesale. Openlane offers remarketing services to manufacturers looking to clear inventory. If a person visits a manufacturer website and sends a request for information or requests a test drive, Openlane will contact that customer and direct them back to the site. Openlane also works with financiers on remarketing. There are portals that allow dealerships to market and sell Openlane vehicles to a retail customer.
Similar platforms include OVE by Manheim, and smartauction. All of these sites are B2B selling and auction platforms. Many of these sites also use framework similar to other large volume and high cost specialty auctions. Insurance auto auctions sell vehicles that have been totaled to both private individuals and companies looking to salvage them. GSA auctions may offer vehicles for sale, but frequently also contain large lots of furniture and office equipment. GSA stands for Government Surplus Auction. GSA auctions welcome bids from all citizens and businesses alike. GSA auctions may be carried out on an online platform, in a physical auction, in silent auction format or in closed envelope bids.