Trucks for Charity 2019 Truck Show

The Annual “Trucks for Charity” Truck Show is a wonderful charity event that is meant to spread positivity and help a family of the community in need. Children and adults alike loved the shiny, brightly colored, and beautifully maintained trucks that were on display at the show. It is difficult to describe the grandeur of the trucks in written form, but this video does a great job of exhibiting the beauty of the truck fleet services who have come out for this wonderful cause.
A great diversity of trucks was shown at the event, and the only things all the vehicles had in common were that they were trucks, they were beautiful, and they were really, really clean. The charity showcased many kinds of trucks including army trucks, dump trucks, towing trucks, and jacked-up trucks that look like they would be a lot of fun in the mud. Dump trucks don’t often get a good rap, but at this charity event, their beauty really shined through. There was also “The Grumpy Pete,” a shiny and jet-black eighteen-wheeler with a polished floorboard and black leather seats, sure to be an awe-inspiring truck to any viewer. The trucks did not just differ when it came to the type of truck; they also featured every color in the rainbow. There were bright blue trucks that reminded one of the ocean, while others were the purple of a grape juice. There was also a truck that was yellow and green, and whose colors were reminiscent of a butterfly.
Show attendees could take a look inside the trucks to see the beautiful seats, floorboards, the many levers and buttons that make truck-driving the skilled profession it is, and to take in the many small but important details that make up these trucks. The trucks were not there to just sit and look pretty, however. Truckers were able to take home prizes for the most attractive truck in the lot, a well-deserved honor.
Though this event was a fun event, it was also an event that made an important and impactful difference in the community. These trucks and the drivers who drive them had volunteered their time (including making their vehicles clean as a whistle) by showcasing their trucks, free of charge to anyone interested in coming by and seeing them. Donations were greatly appreciated, and 100% of the proceeds went towards a needy and worthy family for whom a recent diagnosis or hardship has directly affected a child in their family.
Trucks for Charity is a wonderful event for the whole family, bringing together community, fun, beautiful trucks, and goodwill. Keep an eye out for the next show!