Do You Have a Windshield Crack That You Need to Fix?

The windshield crack that started very small has turned into a major problem. So much so that you are forcing your husband to get the problem fixed immediately. And while your husband was certain that he could not take the time to get an appointment at a windshield repair service, you convinced hime to simply switch cars and that you would take care of getting the appointment. He was reluctant at first because he was certain that he could not go a day without the truck, but your persistence prevailed. Once the replacement window had been installed, even your husband admitted that it was a problem that needed to be fixed.
Auto glass repair services sometimes even offer on site work and will come to you whether you are at home or at the office. Taking the time to fix a small crack can sometimes be done without replacing the entire windshield. With a variety of windshield repair services available, car and truck owners can quickly get the help that they need. Consider these facts and figures about the windshield repair service industry and the importance that it serves:
- 17,160 people were working as automotive glass installers and repairers in 2015, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2015 report.
- $2.9 billion was the total 2012 revenue numbers from automotive glass replacement shops across the country.
- Nearly 80% of auto glass replacements are not done correctly, according to a report from 2007 report.
- Glass is very unpredictable. Although you may have one small rock ship extend to two feet in a short 20 minutes, another rock chip that may not spread for 10 years. Because of its unpredictability, it is often best to just get the problem fixed immediately.
- Windshield replacements should happen immediately if the damage is in the driver?s line of sight or if the damage is greater than three inches wide.
- 45% of the structural integrity of an automobile’s cabin in a head on collision comes from the windshield, so it is important to make sure that your windshield is not compromised by even a small crack or rock chip.
Just like life, the smallest problem can have a huge impact if it is not taken care of. Fixing a small rock chip, for instance, can help you support the integrity of your car’s cabin.