Finding the Best Quick Oil Change Shops

The best place for an oil change is not necessarily based on price, but more along the lines of quality and customer satisfaction. It does not do you any good to visit a company that does not adhere to motor oil standards, rather you want to use the best motor oil in your car. By sticking to motor oil installers that follow industry guidelines and offer recommended motor oil varieties, you will insure that your car has many more miles on it.
Motor oils can be grouped into categories based on the Society of Automotive Engineers numbered grading system so that you do not have to guess about grades and quality during an oil change. Since the various formulations and grades can be recommended for different vehicles, it may help to understand the motor oil types that are suited to your own car. The American Petroleum Institute standards have also been put in place to guarantee that you are receiving the intended formulation that you purchase.
While many of the different formulations have existed for quite some time, we do not have to purchase the oil in the retro glass bottles or metal and cardboard cans that oil used to be sold in. Typically, if we were to visit a quick service station, they would proceed to pump new motor oil into our vehicles from 50 gallon drums of oil. To counteract any confusion, the specialized designations have been prominently labeled to assure customers that they are not paying for a lower grade product.
Fortunately the American Petroleum Institute tests samples throughout the supply chain to chemically verify that the formulations are in fact properly labeled for each of the different motor oils. Based on any discrepancies, they can be readily addressed or the supplier and vendor face various sanctions until they comply. At the best place for an oil change, you are assured that you are getting reliable formulations that can be verified just by looking at the barrel of motor oil that your mechanic is using. You do not have to worry that you are getting a cheap substitute in your car, but giving it the best protection for many more miles. More can be found here: