Five Advantages of Using Car Wrap Advertising

Picture the scene: You’re standing at a crosswalk, waiting for the “Walk” sign to illuminate across the way. Dozens of cars are passing in front of you through the traffic light, when suddenly, you see a gigantic bee come buzzing down the center lane! You follow it down the road, eventually realizing that it’s not some sort of overgrown killer insect, but a carefully planted piece of car wrap advertising. And it just worked on you. Here are four reasons why.
Car wraps can speak in solid colors.
One of the most important aspects of branding is the color choices a company uses to identify with. Coca-Cola is red, Pepsi is blue, and so forth. That’s why tons of businesses tend to stick to easily identifiable, often primary colors to represent their image. Car wraps can be great tools of minimalist advertising, too, by transforming a color into one solid color and featuring a logo as part of that design. That kind of car wrap advertising projects confidence and its color, subconsciously a vehicle for the overall message, registers with the audience.
They’re seen on highways everywhere.
Try to think of the last time you saw a full vehicle wrap out on the road. You might not remember what was being advertised, but chances are you remember seeing some kind of message flashing by you in the passing lane. Studies show that 95% of Americans are reached by mobile vehicle advertisements, and there’s no better way to go than with vinyl car wraps. After all, is a billboard in the bed of a pickup ever successful?
Car wraps can come with warranties.
Looking at this from a business standpoint, this kind of advertising is a huge liability, isn’t it? After all, the vehicle will be traveling at speeds in excess of 60-65 miles per hour, so what’s the stop the vinyl designs from ripping or tearing off in the wind? Despite the best efforts of the professionals who apply the vinyl wrap, accidents can happen. That’s why it’s a smart idea to get a warranty on your particular car wrap advertising in order to protect it against such unforeseen circumstances.
Vinyl vehicle wraps leave no damage to the cars themselves.
Again, from a business perspective, a great way to save money is to provide your own vehicle for the car wrap advertising. That way, you can drive it yourself and have complete control over where it goes, plus saving a ton of money on car rentals in the process. The best part about all that is how the wraps won’t damage your car when it’s time to remove them. Just hire a crew of pros to apply it and take it off to make sure. Research more here.