GPS Tracking Solutions How A Single Vehicle Installment Can Reduce Road Crashes And Save Money

The GPS is a truly innovative piece of technology.
Name a section in society and you’ll find it factoring into the day-to-day proceedings somehow. You have everyday drivers using it to navigate blocked roads and find new routes on the fly. You have construction workers relying on GPS tracking solutions to help them save money. One way or another, the GPS is the underlying foundation of the modern world. When you utilize it in your business you open up a whole new route toward saving money, improving efficiency, and even helping the environment.
It’s not too good to be true. Here’s what commercial vehicle tracking has been found to do for businesses today.
The History Of The GPS And How It Came To Be
The GPS, just like any form of technology, has had to work its way through revisions and countless tests. The first GPS for automobiles was first introduced in the 1990’s, soon paving the way for more accurate cars and safer roads. They’re able to tell the time to the most accurate second, used in conjunction with satellites and able to be installed just about anywhere. Not only are they highly useful in day-to-day life, they can help fill in the gaps in your business. Whether you work in transportation or civil engineering, this is one area you won’t want to overlook.
Today’s Civil Engineering Hazards And Concerns
Every city is in a constant state of repairing itself and cleaning up. This is particularly true for Canada’s top ten cities, all of which get more snow than average for more than 55 days a year. Montreal alone uses 170 vehicles to clear its roads, with 185 devoted to clearing up sidewalks and parking lots. Recent reports have found that all snow is usually removed in fewer than five days for a typical seven inch snowfall. The greatest single day snowfall ever recorded in Canada was back in the 1990’s — GPS tracking solutions have been introduced as a means of managing these seemingly unstoppable odds.
Financial Detriment Of Unnecessary Idling
You have only so much money you can use within a given month. When these costs are constantly snipped away by unseen forces? It can be a frustrating uphill slog to get back to where you need to be. Unnecessary idling is a common problem for many businesses today, to the point where it’s now illegal in more than 40 states. Unnecessary idling for just two hours per day can squander nearly $800 per year per truck, based on recent studies.
Environmental Benefits Of GPS Fleet Tracking Hardware
When you rely on GPS tracking solutions you give yourself the means of saving some money and improving efficiency. Maintenance costs associated with idling can range from $2 per day for diesel engines and over $2 per day for gasoline engines. The environment will also get a little bit of a break. Unnecessary idling releases excess chemicals into the air and continues wreaking havoc on the ozone layer. Fleet management software shows you exactly where your money is going and why.
Improve Daily Safety Measures With GPS Tracking Devices
Last, but not least, you can even create a safer business model. According to recent studies by the NICB, between 2012 and 2014 a total of 125,000 vehicles were reported having been stolen with the keys still left inside. Tracking where your car is going and why will go a long way in deterring potential thieves and getting you your equipment back. Additional studies have also found a slight decrease in general traveling speed can lead to a 3% reduction in crashes. Tally all this up and what do you get?
One very reliable equation. GPS tracking solutions are how you save money, help the environment, and make your business run smoothly.