The Benefits of Learning How to Drive at a Local Defensive Driving School

Millions of people own and operate vehicles throughout the United States, and approximately 214 million individuals are licensed to drive within this country. On a regular basis, even more people are learning how to drive and obtaining their licenses. Given this, it’s essential to not only learn how to be a defensive driver, but to fully engage in defensive driving practices as well.
A Brief Overview of Driving Practices
On a daily basis, Americans drive an average of 29.2 miles and make two trips that last an average of 46 minutes. While Americans may only drive 25.7 miles a day during the winter months, they tend to drive more often during the summer. This usually amounts to an average of 30.6 miles a day. Much does depend, however, on whether these individuals live in medium-sized towns or cities versus small towns or more rural areas.
A Brief Overview of Traffic Crashes
It’s vital to adhere to traffic laws and other safe driving practices to avoid being in or causing an accident. Teenage drivers are particularly vulnerable, and are more likely to be in a crash during their first year of driving. Recent data indicates that teenagers are actually about ten times more likely to be in a crash than drivers with more experience. Within the past year, for example, 20% of 11th grade drivers reported that they were in a crash.
It’s an unfortunate statistic that drivers between the ages of 16 to 19 have four times the fatality rate of drivers between the ages of 25 to 69 years old. One of the reasons for this may be linked to teenagers not consistently wearing their seat belts. According to recent research, just 65% of the teenagers stated that they wore their seat belts on a consistent basis when they were driving or riding as a passenger.
Teaching Teenagers to Drive
Many teenagers expect their parents or another family member to teach them how to drive. About 56% of teenagers do rely on their parents to assist them with attaining this important milestone. Due to work or other obligations, parents may not always be available to teach their children how to drive, however. Fortunately, there are drivers education classes with traffic lessons available.
Learn More About Drivers Education Classes
Whether you’re looking for a beginner driving course for yourself or a family member, consider the benefits of attending a local defensive driving school. In addition to participating in a series of traffic lessons, you’ll also have the opportunity to practice driving. Once you contact your local driving school, a representative will be able to provide you with more details. At this time, you will be able to ask questions about their traffic lessons and learn more about the various classes that they offer.