Keep Your Car Looking Its Best Learn More About Do-It-Yourself Paint Touch-Up Kits

A car’s paint can become damaged under a variety of circumstances. In addition to sustaining scratches and other types of damage due to inclement weather or falling debris, keying is another cause. According to a recent survey conducted by Direct Line, more than half, or 52% of reported car damage, is due to keyed or scratched paint.
United States’ Favored Color Palettes
White continues to be at the top of the list for car paint. Color marketing specialist, Nancy Lockhart, reported that this has been the case since 2006. There are, of course, other popular neutral colors. In addition to white, the auto industry classifies black, gray, and silver as neutral colors.
Find the Touch-Up Paint You Need
When your vehicle gets scratched or keyed, there are a variety of options to address this situation. While you could take your vehicle into an auto body shop, which could cost you between $300.00 to $3,000.00 depending on the severity of the scratch, you can also do it yourself with a touch-up paint kit. There are different paints available that will match your vehicle’s color. Here are just a few of the available ones:
- Acura touch up paint
- Hyundai touch up paint
- Lexus touch up paint
- Nissan touch up paint
- Toyota touch up paint
Once you apply Hyundai touch up paint or any of the other touch-up paints listed above, you’ll realize how easy it is to use. It’s also a good idea to add on a clear coat to protect the paint. These coats are usually 1.5 to two millimeters thick, and are also easy to do yourself.
Since cars can sustain damage, such as getting scratched or keyed when least expected, it’s a good idea to keep an extra touch-up paint kit on-hand. While you may not be able to prevent your car from sustaining paint damage, having the right supplies available can save you time and energy. As a result, you will be able to do your best to ensure that your car appears in good shape throughout the year.